Tuesday, June 18, 2013

2:07 AM
The Named (Guardians of Time, #1)The Named by Marianne Curley
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

The Named was... boring in every way possible. It just didn't appeal to me at all, the characters, the plot, or the world building.

The characters
Only Ethan manages to perk my interest. Isabel feels very shallow and too superficial. Throughout the book, I was disenchanted from any of the characters- even Ethan. They were just not that appealing at all. Since I hated Isabel, and half of the book consists of her point of view, I skipped most of the books.

The writing
AGH. I feel like pulling my hair out of my head. Simile, metaphors, anyone? I rarely see one, and the sentences felt jumbled disconnected thoughts of Ethan and Isabel. I just couldn't cope with reading the whole book.

The plot
Didn't bother to get into the plot because the writing and the characters ruined it for me. Although, I have to say, it has interesting and potential in its world concept-- it's fresh and different than those archetypical YA books out there.

2 out of 5 stars.

View all my reviews

About the author

Putri loves to read books and mangas. She's an avid fan of the YA Genre and the fantasy fiction stuffs. She loves a bit of fun and humour here and there.