Wednesday, January 2, 2013

1:56 AM
Born Wicked (The Cahill Witch Chronicles, #1)Born Wicked by Jessica Spotswood
My rating: 1 of 5 stars

I tried, I really tried to love the book. All the interesting elements are there, witches, beautiful sisters, utopian setting, mysteries. But I just couldn't.

I couldn't relate to the main character no matter how much I've tried to like her. I kept reading the first 20 so pages and hoping that maybe-- maybe it's just my lack of patience and that it takes time for her to grow on me. Maybe she might get more interesting. But By the time I got to page 50 or so, I just couldn't take it and tried to skim through to next hundred so pages trying to find redeeming quality of the heroine and some action, but I find none. And yes, I skim books because I don't want to waste my time and be disappointed in case it fails my expectation. And this one, sadly, fails my expectation.

To be honest, I was kinda expecting of a more 'current' timeline in the novel. But surprisingly, it wasn't. It felt, for me, a kind of a breed in-between renaissance slash cowboy. Blame my imagination.

The inner babbles felt really monotonous and boring. Maybe it's the trait of the heroine or not, but I just couldn't really find anything interesting on what she is talking about. At all. Her sisters felt two dimensional to me. Her father, her neighbours. Even her male suitors. I couldn't find anything handsome with them. Or any redeeming quality. The romance felt bland and I just couldn't see any sparks or any excitement ride for me throughout the book.

The whole Brotherhood thingy confused the hell out of me. But maybe that's because I didn't bother to read the lengthy sermon by the Japanese named reverend. Nothing really ignites my desire to continue reading on.

Really, really disappointed. The covers beautiful too. It's just sad I couldn't like the book enough, or hold any interest in it.

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About the author

Putri loves to read books and mangas. She's an avid fan of the YA Genre and the fantasy fiction stuffs. She loves a bit of fun and humour here and there.